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Your divorce might be the biggest financial transaction of your lifetime, isn’t it worth it to get the best advice you can?
We are here to help
Our clients turn to us to help them manage their wealth in today’s complex and emotionally challenging divorce environment. We are committed to supporting them in their divorce by delivering the best, most innovative financial ideas and analysis.
Despite the best intentions, many individuals find themselves in financial peril after a divorce. Often, this is because they did not possess the resources to skillfully evaluate the financial tradeoffs they faced.
We can help. We possess the tools and knowledge to guide our clients through all the steps required to properly address the financial issues associated with divorce. In addition, we also ensure you make the best decisions throughout the divorce process, including hiring the right divorce attorney, winning child custody, receiving appropriate alimony and spousal support, valuing hidden assets with forensic accounting, and much more.
For families with $500,000 or more in net worth, we remove the emotion from decisions and provide our clients with rational, objective facts so that they can make the best decisions about settlements, negotiation and recovery.
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Divorce Analysis was created as the result of a happy coincidence. In 2001 had left a career on Wall Street to do an MBA at Harvard Business School. I was searching for a job when 9-11 happened shutting down the economy and delaying my job search. In the meantime, a friend who I cared about deeply, was struggling with her divorce. Specifically she didn’t know how to deal with the tax and liquidity considerations of the various asset division settlements she was evaluating. She asked for financial advice which I gave her thinking “this is so easy, I am sure the divorce attorneys have it mastered.” I was soon to learn that most good attorneys are focused on the law and not on the math and financial considerations of various settlements all of which I equal. A little more research taught me that in places where “50-50” is the law, most communities did not actually end up split in half. Worse yet, I learned that, post-divorce, women in particular had a greater than 50% chance of eventually filing for bankruptcy! That’s when I realized that the system was broken for the families it was supposed to serve and the root cause of the breakdown was a lack of good fiduciary financial advice during the divorce process. That is when I started the company. And it works: almost 20 years and many cases later, my clients have had a much greater chance of achieving fairer settlements and of ensuring their financial well-being in the future.
You might say "but how can I afford another expense when I am already paying so much for attorneys and experts?" The answer: I help you control and minimize your costs using proven techniques. Unlike these others who bill you with no stake in the outcome, my goal is to focus on protecting your wealth. I can give you confidence that you are doing everything you can to pursue and recover hidden and complex value in the divorce.
If your divorce is dominated by financial questions, perhaps you would benefit from talking to an expert who is credentialed and experienced with forensic accounting and the valuation of complex assets including hedge funds, partnerships and options. Who knows the economics of divorce and yet can speak plain English to you, who is an objective, fee only Advisor giving you advice and assistance to preserve and grow your wealth. Your divorce might be the biggest financial transaction of your lifetime, isn’t it worth it to get the best advice you can?
I am based at our headquarters in Seattle and San Francisco Do not hesitate to contact me so we can determine if I can help you.
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We'll ask you a few questions and determine the path forward.